However, the past few days have been rainy and cold. It's on its way though, I can feel it.
Things are going well here. I feel like it usually takes me about 8 months or more to get into the swing of things after a new baby is born. This time though, with Silas in preschool and having other commitments I wasn't able to spend my days wallowing in my fear and indecision. We hopped right back on schedule, for the most part. When Dahlia turned 6 months old, that's when I really started to feel better and more confident. We started going back to the gym consistently when she was about 4 months old. I know exercise helps me immensely.
So we're going to the gym at least 3 days a week. I started a new program. It's from the series The New Rules of Lifting for Women and it is titled Strong. I really like it. Nice, concise workouts. I split my cardio to 3 separate days a week because I don't have that kind of time all at once right now. I've been trying to get up early and do fasted cardio, and it's really great when that happens, but it's hard. I've still got 15-20 pounds I would like to lose (yeah, yeah, I know EFF the scale and all that jazz but the truth is the truth). I've just started tracking macros/calories after completing a "Whole120." I'm glad to have whey based protein shakes back in my life.
You know, I feel like I haven't got much to say. The most exciting thing we do is go to the gym. I've been getting our groceries delivered so I don't have to schlep 3 kids to the store. Peapod is a godsend. When my husband gets home from work I recount every conversation I had with another adult to him. He loves this. We've been spending as much time as possible outside, riding bikes, playing in the sandbox and blowing dandelions. Tonight we took a last minute trip to the park where we played Hide and Seek. I forgot how much fun that game is. My boys are hilarious, they don't wait for you to find them and they hide in the same place over and over.
I want to start a series of posts about "how I found out I was pregnant." I think my stories are hilarious (of course I do) and I know other moms have got to have funny stories. So I'm going to start Silas' story and if anyone wants to send me their story I will post it.
Alright! I'm tired, I can't think of anything more to write, I'm going to go to bed.