Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday, Monday!!

Ahhhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ah!  You know the Mamas and the Papas song, right?  Today has been a good day.  I've started a workout program and I'm feeling pretty excited about it.  I did it a couple years ago, it's the program in the book The New Rules of Lifting for Women.  I didn't make it all the way through the program though.  I got distracted, started another program and life got in the way I guess.

I noticed a difference after about 4 weeks so I'm glad to be getting into it again.  Today was the first day and I'm already feeling a little soreness in my arms.  I know my legs are going to be hurting later!  What I like about this program is it's concise.  The exercises are preformed in an order that is very smart, so you're not spending hours in the gym.  For example, today I started with squats and moved on to push ups before going back and finishing the squats.  I've done other programs where I've been standing around for a minute and a half in between bicep reps and I don't have that kind of time!  So my plan now is to go Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays.  In between those days are rest days but according to the book I can do something light like walking or yoga.  Which I plan on doing because I got this DVD set.

I hope to post my progress here.  I've got a lot of baby weight to lose, but really I'm doing this for my mental health.  I know I feel so much better when I get some intense exercise on a regular basis.  So that's my plan and I'm putting it out here on the internet for all my readers (yes, all 4 of you) to see.  I'll keep a log here of my workouts.

After my workout I ate some stuffed peppers.  They were the best thing I've made in a long time.  I've seen a few versions floating around on Pinterest so I decided to make some.  This is my little spin on it.  I didn't take a picture, sorry.  I was so hungry I inhaled them.  I will share the recipe with you though!

Stuffed Red Peppers
 4 red bell peppers
1 pound ground turkey, you could also use ground beef or bison
1 large onion
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup salsa, I used a mango habanero salsa
1 tablespoon cumin
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon dried garlic
1 cup cheese, I used a "Mexican Cheddar" blend

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  Chop your onion and heat it in a large skillet with your olive oil on medium heat.  Cook until soft.  Add the ground meat and spices.  Cook until meat is no longer pink.  Add salsa.  Stir until combined. 

Cut peppers in half lengthwise and removed stems and membranes.  Place them in a casserole dish, I had to use 2.  Fill peppers with your meat mixture and top with a little cheese.  Bake in the oven for about a half hour.  The end result was so delicious.  The peppers were perfectly cooked without being mushy, the turkey was so tasty and the cheese melted and browned up a little bit.  Yummy.  You could top with avocado.  I did.  

In other news, Silas has been sleeping this afternoon for two and a half hours.  It's like a record for that kid.  I think he's finally getting out of his infant sleep schedule and moving on to an older baby sleep pattern.  What do you call 7 month olds?  Still an infant?  I don't know.  He's so close to crawling now.  I'm a little afraid of the day he becomes mobile.  He's a handful as it is now.  I'll be chasing him all over before I know it!  He was watching me take down the Christmas tree today and every time I tossed a branch into the box he cracked up.  I mean, of all the things to laugh at!  I guess I should quit trying to be funny. 

Okay.  I guess that's enough for today. 


  1. No never quit being funny!!! Today I went to yoga from 5:15 to 6:45 it was supposed to be only an hour but Andrew was having a great time with his big class. all 14 of us. he even did not have enough bands. which I have never used. he is a massage therapist and certified yoga instructor. It was GREAT. the best exercise class i have ever been. i will go again. he has only been doing this at VU his 7th time. he looks about 25 years old. i am glad you are mentally happy with exercising.

  2. I still haven't done any of my yoga! I'm glad you're enjoying your classes! Maybe we can do some tomorrow!
