Saturday, September 6, 2014

I'm That Mom

Have you had your "Oh I'm that Mom!" epiphany?  Maybe it's something you said you'd never do, or a thing you never thought you would do or something happens to you and then you find yourself saying "Wait a minute..."
I'm the mom that doesn't have a clean diaper.  Yeah.  That mom.  I go to a play date or to a mom's group, Silas needs changed and I don't have a diaper.  I have to beg one off of someone.  Alternatively, I have a diaper, a blow out, and no wipes.  I guess this shouldn't surprise me, I've always been a little disorganized, and fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants person.  However, I must work on this.
Today I took Silas to the grocery store and they have these cool grocery carts with the little car in the front.  I wasn't sure if he would like to ride in it, but we tried and he LOVED it.  So I found myself taking pictures of him in the cart.  He looked so cute and I thought about the time I was reading someone's blog and she had posted a picture with the caption "Baby's first time in the shopping cart."  I rolled my eyes.  OH!  What a milestone!  Riding in the shopping cart!  And yet, there I was, taking pictures of my baby riding in the cart (how cool are these carts though?).  And honestly, I remember taking a picture of Silas's first time in a regular shopping cart.  He was very excited.  I had to capture that moment.   There I was thinking, I'm not going to bust out the camera for every little thing, but I can't help myself.  I guess until you're a parent you don't know how those moments will hit you.  Or you don't know that a particular moment could be so cute.  
 Case in point: 
He's grinning from ear to ear.  He was bouncing up and down and baby-shouting at everyone who looked his way.  It was adorable.

So what's yours?  Please tell me I'm not the only one who had left the house with out clean diapers? 

1 comment:

  1. I wish we had these kind of cameras you all have now. That's why i always took pictures of you girls with ponies or petting zoo animals. On rides at the carnival. Sitting on stone snails etc. The child's reaction are priceless.
    When I first read this I was like " OMG" what !??!! Then it's only wipes or diapers Whew!!!!!! That's why I wanted his reaction at the horsey at the fairgrounds. it's all gonna be awesome. Like when the Christmas Tree is all lit. When one becomes a parent it sure is humbling.
