Well today started out really good. My mom had spent the night with us and she prepped an overnight French toast for breakfast. When we woke up we popped that in the oven and had breakfast in no time. It was really good. It's a Paula Dean recipe, cleaned up. I'm going to make it again and I'll post the recipe. After Silas's morning nap we decided to check out the Aurora Farmer's Market. I've driven by it on my way to the flea market and it looked like a nice, big one. Unfortunately, Aurora is a bit of a hike and Silas isn't a big fan of car rides and he wasn't too happy to be stuck in the stroller once we arrived. But he persevered. We walked around for a little bit. They have a nice variety at this market. We got a delicious scone, some empanadas and tamales, and 3 cutie little gourds for Silas. We decided to stop by a park on the way home. I'm not super familiar with the area so when we spotted Red Oak Nature Center in Batavia, we pulled right over. This place was really cute. They have nice trails and an awesome nature center. We took a short walk. Silas walked the whole way, sometimes leading and sometimes doubling back to check out a stick or the signs along the trails.

These overalls kill me. They're that tiny "train conductor" blue and white stripe.
I think he thought all the signs along the trail were touch screens. He kept going back to touch them.
We made our way back to the nature center and they had a very cool set up inside. They have some snakes, turtles, frogs and fish on display and a play area with a fake log you can crawl through. Silas loved it, but we were dangerously close to nap time and a bit too far from home. So we left and as soon as we got in the door I changed him and laid him down for a nap. After a short story he was settling down. My mom left and I got into bed myself. Within a half an hour he was up and crying. I tried to wait and see if he might go back to sleep, but he did not. So we got up, had a snack and I decided it would be a good idea to go to Target. This is where things went downhill (aside from being woken up early from my nap, haha). We were out of all our essentials, so it really could not wait any longer and I wanted to see what they might have in kid's Halloween costumes. We barely made it through the grocery section. He didn't want to sit in the cart, didn't want me to push the cart, didn't want the keys or anything I tried to give him to play with. And when we went to the check out, I swear I have never seen that many people in our Target. While waiting in the line I handed Silas a small container of mints to shake. He liked that. We paid, I even remembered to use the stupid Cartwheel app, and we were almost out! Then Silas dropped the mints and of course they break open and mints go everywhere and my cart gets all hung up on mints. And I'm sure everyone (at least one person) was staring. I was embarrassed. But we finally made it out of the store. I get Silas in the car seat and start the car. On a whim I had grabbed some stupid cereal bars and I wanted one right away but, they aren't in my bags! I almost left with out them, but they were chocolate cereal bars and I needed them. So we went back into Target and explain myself and I get my bars. We finally go home. He was fussy the rest of the day and he had to go to bed early tonight but he fell asleep right away so I'm sure tomorrow will be better. Le sigh.
Do we want to do the 28 Week/Officially in the 3rd Trimester Update? Sure! Why not? I'm going to skip some of the more redundant questions since we can all probably imagine that yes, I am still wearing maternity clothes and the baby is still going to be a boy. Onward!
BIG BELLY!! Silly face. I'm probably telling my mom how to work the camera. And I was trying to get Silas in the shot with me otherwise I would not be squatting down like that! But you can really see the bump.
How far along: 27 weeks.
Size of Baby: A coconut! Two and a quarter pounds, and about 15 inches. Who picks these comparisons? Isn't 15 inches a HUGE coconut? Or am I getting only the small Illinois coconuts? Where's my ruler?
Weight Gain: 12 pounds, probably more now.
Nursery: Still nothing.
Movement: I've decided this baby's movement persona is like an octopus. He's hitting hard all over the place. If I didn't know any better I'd swear there were 2 of them in there. I don't know how he's positioned to move like that.
Cravings: Donuts. I indulged that one a little too much on Tuesday...
What I Miss: Wine! Especially after today!
Looking Forward To: Now that I'm in the 3rd trimester I'll be going to my midwife every 2 weeks for a while. Then it's every week, then towards the very end, every couple days. This is going to sound silly, but I love my midwife so much and I always look forward to seeing her. So I'm looking forward to seeing more of her! I should probably have a bumper sticker that says "I love my midwife so much it should make her uncomfortable." or "Ask me about my midwife."
So, how do you handle hard days with your littles? Do you like your doctor/midwife, perhaps a little too much?