Sunday, November 16, 2014

36 Week Update

I feel like I was just saying "I can't do this for another 10 weeks!"  Now there's only 4.  The last time I saw my midwife I was already 1 centimeter dilated.  I understand you can walk around a centimeter dilated for weeks, but I was still excited.  Baby is head down, and bald!  But I could have told you that.  We make bald babies. 

Things have been so sweet here.  This might be the calm before the storm.  I've decorated the house, my husband thinks it's too early, but I absolutely love it.  It's so beautiful and soothing.  Plus, I don't think I'll be wanting to do it in a couple weeks after Thanksgiving.  I want it now!

I bought a 3 foot tree.  I wasn't going to do a tree this year, I was afraid Silas wouldn't leave it alone, but I peeked in a bin of Christmas ornaments and spotted some of the cute "Baby's First Christmas" ornaments and got really sad that they might be packed away indefinitely if I couldn't come up with a solution.  So I bought a small tree, picked a few special, plastic ornaments, and decorated.  It's an awful picture, but it's a great tree and it makes me happy.

We also decided to try and push Silas's bedtime back to 7 pm.  He had been waking up before 6 am and that's too early.  Despite all the experts saying that we should put him to bed even earlier to see if that would help him sleep in, we decided to keep him up a bit longer since their way wasn't working.  Normally we would start bedtime at 6:30-6:45, but now we are starting at 7 and I'm typically out of the room by 7:20.  He's usually asleep before 7:45.  And now he's sleeping until 6:30-7 am.  It's great.  We're still transitioning in the nap department, I thought we had that down, but 2 good days does not mean you have it all figured out, unfortunately.  The best part of this has been that Silas is in a good mood by the time Aaron gets home and we have been enjoying this time as a family.  We're all sitting on the floor, rolling a ball or playing with blocks or reading books and it's been my favorite part of the day.  I feel so blessed.

One more picture before I get on to the update.  This is my dear friend Meghan.  We celebrated her with a baby sprinkle this weekend.  She is expecting her first baby girl early next year.  Her son is a month younger than mine and her daughter will be a month younger than my new baby.  So funny how that worked out.  I love this picture of us!

Have I mentioned how HOT I've been this pregnancy?  It's 30 degrees outside and snowing and here I am in a sleeveless dress.  OK!  To the update! 

 How far along?  36 weeks.

Size of Baby:  A papaya!  18.5 inches and 6 pounds. 

Weight Gain:  Last time I calculated it was about 20 pounds.  Math is fun. 

Nursery:  Aaron and my dad moved the crib and the dresser into his room.  They disassembled one table and I will need to move that downstairs this week.  After that I want to organize the drawers with all the clothes and such.  Then it's pretty much done! 

Movement:  I think he's running out of womb.  Har har har. 

Symptoms:  I bought 2 bottles of Tums the last time I was at Walgreens.  I'm hoping they will be my last, but I'm not sure.

Cravings:  My appetite isn't there anymore.  It's like the first trimester all over again.  I want a really good grapefruit but I keep buying duds.  I gotta find a good grapefruit.   

Looking forward to:  Finishing up the last minute things?  I froze my "Kid's Klub" account at the gym, I don't think I'll be going for a while, or taking Silas if I do go and they don't watch babies under 3 months of age so #2 won't be able to go for a while anyway.  Finishing the nursery.  Lastly, I want to organize our basement a little because I think we will be spending some time down there this winter.  Lots of room for an 18 month old boy to run around!     

1 comment:

  1. We look so cute! Love the little tree, I'm still debating if I'll do any decorating at all, beyond a wreath on the door. We do a fake tree but I like to buy a pine wreath from the Lion's club so I can at least get the scent of the real thing. Fingers crossed for you on the new bedtime, we've been putting G down later and later, almost 8 most days recently and it seems to be working, he slept until 8:30 on Saturday.
