Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pregnancy Pillows and the 35 Week Update

35 weeks today!  Before I do the update, I want to talk really quickly about the two pregnancy pillows I've tried this pregnancy.  My friend got me this awesome pregnancy pillow.  It's called a Belly Rest Pillow.  I love it because it's so small and it can be positioned to support your belly and your back.  I think this one is great if you have a smaller bed, or haven't sent your partner to sleep on the couch yet.  It's awesome.  My other friend had given me her Leacho Inc Preggle Pillow and that pillow has been great too.  It's bigger, and shaped like a candy cane.  Once you throw your partner out of bed, you have this nice big pillow to snuggle.  Every time I go lay down I think "This thing is amazing."  I didn't feel the need for a special pillow when I was pregnant with Silas, but this time having the extra support in bed has been nice.  I've been using both these pillows together.  Double the back support, and having a cushion to support my big belly has been really nice.  Here's links to both pillows on amazon, if you need one or just want the bed to yourself.

Grendel prefers the Belly Rest

On to the whiny update!  I've been walking around all week thinking I was already 36 weeks, so when I opened my pregnancy tracking app and saw I was only 35 weeks, I groaned, really loudly, at Target.  By myself.  Good thing I was there for Ben & Jerry's.  On the one hand, I'm scared of having a newborn again and how much that's going to change our lives.  On the other hand, I'm so uncomfortable, I want to be done.  I think I need to work on my attitude.  Christmas decorations may help.  I don't care how early it is. There may be a LOT of whining in this post, so feel free to skip the reading and come back in a couple weeks or 8 months or so. 

35 Week Update

How far along?  35 weeks.

Size of Baby:  Honeydew melon, over 18 inches long and over 5 pounds! 

Gender:  Boy!

Weight Gain:  I ain't even.  I feel like my skeleton doesn't want to support my body anymore, my tailbone doesn't want me to sit on it.

Nursery:  I'm happy to say I have gotten a lot done up there.  I put all my jewelry tools and odds and ends into bins and moved them downstairs to storage.  It was a little sad.  I don't know when I'm going to get them out again.  I moved most of the furniture that isn't staying in there to the basement and all the bins of baby boy clothes up to the closet in his room.  I have emptied the dresser that is going in his room and as soon as we get a couple more things out of there, I'm moving that up and I'll start organizing the drawers.  Then I think all that's left after that is moving the crib in.  It's already upstairs and I tried to push it down the hallway, but it got stuck.  My mom has been a huge help in this process.  I can't do this kind of thing with Silas running around and I nap when he does, so she's been coming over to hang with him so I can get some work done.  I know a more motivated person might skip the napping, but I am not that woman.

Movement:  Still kicking like crazy. 

Symptoms:  Heartburn as always, I'm waking up a few times at night to eat some Tums.  I knew I should have bought more than one bottle last time I was at Walgreens.  As I grabbed just one I thought to myself "This is the last bottle I'm going to need for this pregnancy!"  Yeah, right.  My back is also hurting by the end of the day.  I'm leaning on a heating pad in the evenings. 

Cravings:  Grapefruit.  Salad.  Ice.  Ice cream.  Pulled pork sammiches. 

Looking forward to:  I guess the last few little things before winter sets in. My dear friend is having a little girl in January and we are throwing her a sprinkle next weekend.  My dad's birthday is coming up and we're doing a joint "party" with my husband since he just had a birthday.  Thanksgiving is around the corner.  I love turkey. 

Did you use a pregnancy pillow?  More importantly, is it too early for Christmas decorations?  Let's talk about it in the comments. 

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