Tuesday, December 9, 2014

39 Weeks plus a few days.

I hit 39 weeks on Saturday.  I don't think he's coming soon.  Last night I got my hopes up and I almost started making my phone calls, because I was feeling a little crampy, but I decided to wait and see.  Naturally, nothing more happened and I fell asleep.  I feel a little better though, I've decided not to get excited until the 20th.  That way I won't drive myself crazy.  Crazier.

I went to Target last night to get Silas his "big brother gift."  I had a little bit of trouble with this, because I want something he'll like but nothing elaborate or expensive.  I almost got sucked into a big drum filled with musical instruments.  Yes, exactly what I need is a tambourine he can play for his newborn brother.  He's been throwing things too so I don't want to give him any more wooden blocks.  So he got a small teddy bear, which I will give him in the hospital.  My friend who is also having a baby talked about getting her son a doll, kinda like a practice baby, and that sounded like a good idea to me so I bought Silas a small doll too.
At this point of the shopping trip I didn't know if I was going to break down and cry or throw up.  So I bought a pint of Ben & Jerry's Half Baked Frozen Yogurt (I'm cleaning up my diet) and went home.  It's all starting to feel so real and I got a little overwhelmed.  I'm having all those feelings I'm sure lots of moms do, how will I ever love another person as much as I love my son, how will having a sibling affect him, etc? 

Anyway, Saturday my friend took some pregnancy pictures of me and she printed a couple off for me to see today and I'm really excited to see the rest of them!  I'll post those when I get them.  It was really fun and I'm so glad I got to do them.  I didn't do them with Silas.  This one is an awkward one from today.  I can't selfie properly.
Another friend had a Christmas party today and it was so much fun.  It was one of the first times I've seen Silas "play" with another child, not just try and take toys away from his friends or play next to them.  He and another boy were chasing each other and laughing and pushing cars all over the place.  It was hilarious.  He fell asleep almost instantly on the car ride home. 

OK, let's do the update and get on with our lives. 

 How far along?  39 weeks and 3 days.

Size of Baby:  The baby is the size of a baby.  (Thank you Pregnant Chicken, no more stupid vegetables.)  About 20 inches and 7 pounds. 

Weight Gain:  Who's counting anymore?  I don't want to know.  See also: Ben & Jerry's.

Nursery:  Still not done.  I went up there and moved some things around.  I did unpack and sort through the baby clothes.  That was fun.  We have some new things, some new hand me downs, and some things that Silas wore.  It was a trip down memory lane and it made me really happy. 

Movement:  Yes, of course.

Symptoms:  Nothing new.  Heart burn and back pain.  Crabby as hell. 

Cravings:  Nothing really?  Cheeseburgers?  Is this part of the pregnancy getting boring?  Hahaha.  

Looking forward to:  Giving birth.  Of course.  If I make it this far, I'm going to continue my "tradition" of buying a little crystal on my due date.  With Silas I had wandered into a crystal shop and was chatting with the ladies and when they found out it was my due date they said I should hold onto rock crystal quartz for "energy."  So I did.  I'll try anything.  I ended up buying a pointy one and I took it into the delivery room with me.  It was sharp and I mostly poked myself in my numb fingers with it, but it's kinda nice to have something else to focus on while laboring.  I abandoned it after a short while though.  I had crying and whining to do. 

I'm sure I'll be back with a 40 week update.  God help me. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014


I was starting to get really excited that baby would be joining us any second now.  I had dilated a couple centimeters, baby was head down and low, I felt awful.  Now I've realized that he's not coming for another couple of weeks.  At least one week.  I'm going to need more Tums.  And that's ok.  I had such a short labor with Silas, I feel if I let this baby come on his own time too, my labor will be short again.  And I won't have to have any unnecessary interventions.  That's the hope anyway.   

The past couple days have been very busy.  My mom spent the night last night, that was fun.  We had a late night grocery shopping session and then ate cheese and cookies.  Then this morning, my friend came over to help me prepare 9 freezer meals for after baby comes.  My mom was here to watch all the kids while we cooked.  This is all new to me and I'm very excited by the process.  The recipes come from Don't Panic - Dinner's in the Freezer.  Basically you prep everything and then freeze it.  You can do a week's worth of meals in a few hours.  I'm going to get the book from the library and hopefully do a few more soon.  I'll be sure to report back.  I know some of my friends do this and love it.  We did a Parmesan Chicken, which you simply bake; a Hawaiian Pork dish that you throw in the crock pot; and a Black Bean Soup you reheat.  I was amazed because I thought we would be cooking everything and then freezing it.  This method, of course, makes much more sense.  So all you have to do is plan ahead a little bit and make sure you thaw your freezer meal out.  Add a rice or potato, a salad, or whatever and you're done!  Here's a link to the book on amazon, if you're interested.  


Saturday I will be 39 weeks.  I have plans to meet up with another lovely friend and take some maternity photos.  I'm excited.  I didn't have any done last time, so I'm looking forward to it.  I'd like to have a few pictures that look decent to remember this time.  

I think that's all I have today.  This weekend I hope to do a 39 week update since I skipped 38 and maybe I will have some photos from my maternity session to share.

Hey, do you do freezer meals?  Or make ahead kind of stuff?  I would love to hear all about it!  


Monday, November 24, 2014

37+ Week Update

I'm late doing my 37 Week Update.  I didn't feel like blogging this weekend.  Silas got a flu shot and he seemed a little under the weather all weekend.  I was sure I was getting the stomach flu on Saturday, but thankfully nothing ever came from that!  Silas is almost all back to normal today so I think it was just his shot. 

Today the weather was crazy!  It was raining when we woke up and by about 10 am it was snowing like crazy and cold enough to stick.  I decided that after our naps I was going to bundle us up and go outside.  Silas has never played in the snow.  He loved it!  I need to get him some boots and I'm thinking a snow suit would be good.  As it was I put 3 pairs of pants on him and his sneakers, a few long sleeved tops and his puffy coat.  My mom bought him these little mitten-like things (they had no finger or thumb dividers, but I don't think a 17 month old needs them anyway) and he seemed to keep pretty warm.  He didn't want to come inside. 

I'm hoping to keep getting him outside this winter.  He needs to get out and play.  It took a long time for us to get ready to go, and I know it will only get worse once there's 2 of them to dress for the cold.  I'm thinking that by the time our second son arrives and I feel like venturing out again, I will be able to put him in a carrier under my coat and I will know he is safe and warm and Silas will be able to run around.  Plus, I'm sure we will be able to streamline our "getting ready routine" if we do it more often.  Today I bundled us up and by the time we were ready I was hungry and Silas needed a diaper change.  So we had to take a break.  Haha.  But we made it and it was great.

OK!  The Update!

 How far along?  37 weeks.

Size of Baby:  One website says the size of a swiss chard, the other says a honeydew melon.  I swear we already did a honeydew melon.  In any case, just over 19 inches and 6 1/3 pounds.  When Silas was born he was 19 inches and 7 pounds even, so this baby is almost there! 

Weight Gain:  I'm still packing it on.  Hooray. 

Nursery:  No news here, I'm hoping to get up there this week and work on it.  My friend texted me today that she was working on her new baby's room while her son slept and I was... sleeping.  Of course. 

Movement:  He's still moving!  When I was pregnant with Silas I didn't know the difference between the Braxton Hicks contractions and the baby moving.  Maybe that sounds silly, but I just thought he was really stretching in there and that's what I was feeling.  Now, I'm still a little confused, but I know a bit better.  I remember getting a stress test and I was strapped up to a machine and I had a contraction and the doctor said "You can't feel that?" and I said "I feel that, I thought that was the baby!"  I hope I'm not the only one.   

Symptoms:  The never ending heart burn.  Tonight I'm going to finish one of my 2 bottles of Tums that I bought the last time I was at Walgreens.  I decided I eat a lot of acidic foods and that's not helping, but there's nothing to do about it now.  If I ever get pregnant again I'm going to buy stock in antacids. 

Cravings:  I want a grilled cheese to dip in some tomato soup.     

Looking forward to:  Thanksgiving.  We switch families every year because it's just too far to drive to both.  This year is Aaron's family and I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone.  And eating.  I'm planning to make a big pan of my macaroni and cheese.  It's so good.   

So how do you feel about getting out in the cold?  Any tricks for toddlers and little babies in the cold?  What about Thanksgiving food?  What's your favorite and what are you bringing?       

Sunday, November 16, 2014

36 Week Update

I feel like I was just saying "I can't do this for another 10 weeks!"  Now there's only 4.  The last time I saw my midwife I was already 1 centimeter dilated.  I understand you can walk around a centimeter dilated for weeks, but I was still excited.  Baby is head down, and bald!  But I could have told you that.  We make bald babies. 

Things have been so sweet here.  This might be the calm before the storm.  I've decorated the house, my husband thinks it's too early, but I absolutely love it.  It's so beautiful and soothing.  Plus, I don't think I'll be wanting to do it in a couple weeks after Thanksgiving.  I want it now!

I bought a 3 foot tree.  I wasn't going to do a tree this year, I was afraid Silas wouldn't leave it alone, but I peeked in a bin of Christmas ornaments and spotted some of the cute "Baby's First Christmas" ornaments and got really sad that they might be packed away indefinitely if I couldn't come up with a solution.  So I bought a small tree, picked a few special, plastic ornaments, and decorated.  It's an awful picture, but it's a great tree and it makes me happy.

We also decided to try and push Silas's bedtime back to 7 pm.  He had been waking up before 6 am and that's too early.  Despite all the experts saying that we should put him to bed even earlier to see if that would help him sleep in, we decided to keep him up a bit longer since their way wasn't working.  Normally we would start bedtime at 6:30-6:45, but now we are starting at 7 and I'm typically out of the room by 7:20.  He's usually asleep before 7:45.  And now he's sleeping until 6:30-7 am.  It's great.  We're still transitioning in the nap department, I thought we had that down, but 2 good days does not mean you have it all figured out, unfortunately.  The best part of this has been that Silas is in a good mood by the time Aaron gets home and we have been enjoying this time as a family.  We're all sitting on the floor, rolling a ball or playing with blocks or reading books and it's been my favorite part of the day.  I feel so blessed.

One more picture before I get on to the update.  This is my dear friend Meghan.  We celebrated her with a baby sprinkle this weekend.  She is expecting her first baby girl early next year.  Her son is a month younger than mine and her daughter will be a month younger than my new baby.  So funny how that worked out.  I love this picture of us!

Have I mentioned how HOT I've been this pregnancy?  It's 30 degrees outside and snowing and here I am in a sleeveless dress.  OK!  To the update! 

 How far along?  36 weeks.

Size of Baby:  A papaya!  18.5 inches and 6 pounds. 

Weight Gain:  Last time I calculated it was about 20 pounds.  Math is fun. 

Nursery:  Aaron and my dad moved the crib and the dresser into his room.  They disassembled one table and I will need to move that downstairs this week.  After that I want to organize the drawers with all the clothes and such.  Then it's pretty much done! 

Movement:  I think he's running out of womb.  Har har har. 

Symptoms:  I bought 2 bottles of Tums the last time I was at Walgreens.  I'm hoping they will be my last, but I'm not sure.

Cravings:  My appetite isn't there anymore.  It's like the first trimester all over again.  I want a really good grapefruit but I keep buying duds.  I gotta find a good grapefruit.   

Looking forward to:  Finishing up the last minute things?  I froze my "Kid's Klub" account at the gym, I don't think I'll be going for a while, or taking Silas if I do go and they don't watch babies under 3 months of age so #2 won't be able to go for a while anyway.  Finishing the nursery.  Lastly, I want to organize our basement a little because I think we will be spending some time down there this winter.  Lots of room for an 18 month old boy to run around!     

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pregnancy Pillows and the 35 Week Update

35 weeks today!  Before I do the update, I want to talk really quickly about the two pregnancy pillows I've tried this pregnancy.  My friend got me this awesome pregnancy pillow.  It's called a Belly Rest Pillow.  I love it because it's so small and it can be positioned to support your belly and your back.  I think this one is great if you have a smaller bed, or haven't sent your partner to sleep on the couch yet.  It's awesome.  My other friend had given me her Leacho Inc Preggle Pillow and that pillow has been great too.  It's bigger, and shaped like a candy cane.  Once you throw your partner out of bed, you have this nice big pillow to snuggle.  Every time I go lay down I think "This thing is amazing."  I didn't feel the need for a special pillow when I was pregnant with Silas, but this time having the extra support in bed has been nice.  I've been using both these pillows together.  Double the back support, and having a cushion to support my big belly has been really nice.  Here's links to both pillows on amazon, if you need one or just want the bed to yourself.

Grendel prefers the Belly Rest

On to the whiny update!  I've been walking around all week thinking I was already 36 weeks, so when I opened my pregnancy tracking app and saw I was only 35 weeks, I groaned, really loudly, at Target.  By myself.  Good thing I was there for Ben & Jerry's.  On the one hand, I'm scared of having a newborn again and how much that's going to change our lives.  On the other hand, I'm so uncomfortable, I want to be done.  I think I need to work on my attitude.  Christmas decorations may help.  I don't care how early it is. There may be a LOT of whining in this post, so feel free to skip the reading and come back in a couple weeks or 8 months or so. 

35 Week Update

How far along?  35 weeks.

Size of Baby:  Honeydew melon, over 18 inches long and over 5 pounds! 

Gender:  Boy!

Weight Gain:  I ain't even.  I feel like my skeleton doesn't want to support my body anymore, my tailbone doesn't want me to sit on it.

Nursery:  I'm happy to say I have gotten a lot done up there.  I put all my jewelry tools and odds and ends into bins and moved them downstairs to storage.  It was a little sad.  I don't know when I'm going to get them out again.  I moved most of the furniture that isn't staying in there to the basement and all the bins of baby boy clothes up to the closet in his room.  I have emptied the dresser that is going in his room and as soon as we get a couple more things out of there, I'm moving that up and I'll start organizing the drawers.  Then I think all that's left after that is moving the crib in.  It's already upstairs and I tried to push it down the hallway, but it got stuck.  My mom has been a huge help in this process.  I can't do this kind of thing with Silas running around and I nap when he does, so she's been coming over to hang with him so I can get some work done.  I know a more motivated person might skip the napping, but I am not that woman.

Movement:  Still kicking like crazy. 

Symptoms:  Heartburn as always, I'm waking up a few times at night to eat some Tums.  I knew I should have bought more than one bottle last time I was at Walgreens.  As I grabbed just one I thought to myself "This is the last bottle I'm going to need for this pregnancy!"  Yeah, right.  My back is also hurting by the end of the day.  I'm leaning on a heating pad in the evenings. 

Cravings:  Grapefruit.  Salad.  Ice.  Ice cream.  Pulled pork sammiches. 

Looking forward to:  I guess the last few little things before winter sets in. My dear friend is having a little girl in January and we are throwing her a sprinkle next weekend.  My dad's birthday is coming up and we're doing a joint "party" with my husband since he just had a birthday.  Thanksgiving is around the corner.  I love turkey. 

Did you use a pregnancy pillow?  More importantly, is it too early for Christmas decorations?  Let's talk about it in the comments. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Halloween and a Soup Recipe!

I know I'm a few days late now, but I want to recap our Halloween.  We had so much fun!  On the 24th we went to a party at our very dear friend's house.  All the kids were dressed up, but I was the only mom in costume!  I don't know why this keeps surprising me.  I get really into Halloween and dressing up is my favorite part.  I decided early on that I wasn't spending any money on our costumes.  Silas is still little and we have so much fabric and costume accessories I wanted to work with what we've got.  I went as a witch and Silas went as an "imp."  I didn't get any good pictures though!  The actual day of Halloween we woke up to a little snow!  It was snowing big, fluffy flakes and was cold!  It didn't stick though and quickly warmed up, but not much!  When trick or treating started it was so windy and cold I kept waffling about whether or not to take Silas out and what kind of "costume" to put on him.  His imp costume was just a cut up old tee shirt, but it was too cold for that.  I ended up taking him in his regular clothes and coat with his bear hat on his head.  We went to 5 houses.  He's 17 months old, so he doesn't really care, you know?  I just knew the neighbors would miss him if they didn't see him so I have to do right thing and give people their dose of adorable.  My husband hates when I say things like that.  Says I sound conceited. 

Pretty and festive!  

I whipped up this soup on Halloween morning on a whim.  We grew butternut squash in our garden this year and I'm trying to use it up.  Sometimes I just slice it, bake it and feed it to the gentlemen, but I thought a nice warm soup would be good for us to eat on a chilly Friday.  I had already baked off a squash so this came together fast!  If you want to make this you will have to cut your squash in half, lay cut side down on a baking sheet, and bake until soft.  Depending on the size of your squash it may take a half hour to an hour.  I made a really small batch because I wasn't sure if we would like it.  Well, I have made it 3 times since, so needless to say, we like it a lot! 

Butternut Squash Soup
  • 1 precooked butternut squash, skin peeled off.
  • 2 tablespoons butter or olive or coconut oil, you can use less if you want, but I wanted our soup to be rich so I used butter.
  • 1-2 tablespoons minced garlic, we're scared of vampires so we use lots of garlic.
  • Spice, I used about 3 teaspoons of Trader Joe's Everyday Seasoning.  This comes in a grinder bottle and contains salt, mustard seeds, black pepper, coriander, onion, garlic, paprika and chili pepper.  If you don't have this blend you could simply use salt, pepper, onion, maybe a little nutmeg or cinnamon?  Nutmeg would be tasty. 
  • Water or milk to thin the soup.

Melt the butter in a large pot.  Add the garlic and saute on medium until fragrant and lightly browned.  Add in your spices and stir.  Add the squash, and milk or water.  You may want to turn the heat up a little if you're in a rush.  I used my immersion blender to blend everything together into a really smooth soup.  The first time I used only water, but today when I made it I used whole milk and my goodness, it was so rich.  Perhaps a little too rich.  Butternut squash bisque, if you will. 

How was your Halloween?  Do you like butternut squash soup?  Do you have other ideas for using it up?  


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Sad, sad cookies.

Today was the most beautiful fall day.  I took Silas on two walks in the neighborhood.  The leaves are falling and crunchy, the colors are beautiful, there was a little breeze, absolutely perfect.  I had every intention of going to the gym today, but it didn't happen.  I'm getting tired, I feel huge and I'm not motivated.  Haha.  So we took naps and cooked.  I wanted cookies so I pulled out a favorite cook book and got baking.

I am a little upset. 

I followed the recipe, I even measured pretty exactly because I wanted GOOD cookies.  I have a tendency to change things and sometimes that doesn't work out but this time, I followed the recipe, dang it!  I'm guessing the author didn't test out her claim of "or coconut oil."  They do still taste good, so at least there's that.  You know I've been scraping them off the pan with a big spatula and eating it. 

I made soup too, and that turned out pretty good.  Thank goodness.  I can't deal with two failures in the kitchen in one day.  I even made mental notes of what I was doing so I could share it here.  

This is like a chicken chili or chicken tortilla inspired soup.   I'll call it Spicy Chicken Soup.  

For the chicken 
8 chicken tenderloin pieces or 4 boneless skinless breasts (I used Trader Joe's frozen tenderloins.) 
Fiesta Lime Mrs Dash 

Preheat oven to 350* and place the chicken on an oiled baking sheet.  Sprinkle liberally with the Mrs. Dash.  Bake until the chicken is no longer pink.  Mine took about 20 minutes.  Chop or shred, you're going to add this right to the soup at the end.  

For the Soup 
1 bag of Trader Joe's Fire Roasted Veggies or 1 medium onion and 2 bell peppers
1 cup Trader Joe's Fire Roasted Corn or whatever corn you have 
1 14 oz can tomatoes, I used "Southwestern with green chiles" 
1 14 oz can kidney beans
1/4 cup chili powder
2 tablespoons cumin
1 tablespoon garlic powder
pinch of cinnamon
pinch of cayenne
pinch of chipotle powder
Chicken stock or water and bouillon 
I started by cooking the bag of veggies on medium heat, these come frozen and cook down very quickly, then I added the corn and spices.  I try to keep things on the mild side so Silas can eat what we do, but I didn't do a very good job of that this time.  He ate a few beans, but I could tell it was too spicy for him.  Poor kid. Once that is cooked down, add the can of tomatoes and the beans.  At this point I added about 2 cups of water and a tablespoon of chicken bouillon.  Heat through.  When the chicken is done and chopped add that to the pot and stir.  Simmer on low for a while or until you remember you've got the stove on.  

You can serve this with tortilla chips, sour cream, cheese, fresh limes or whatever you like.  I shredded a little cheese on the top of mine.  

I love Trader Joe's.  These are a staple in our house.

The veggies, corn, tomatoes, beans and spices.

With the water and bouillon added.

Chicken fresh from the oven. 

 My bowl.

With cheese.  You can see Silas's little plate in the background.  He didn't love it. 

What have you messed up in your kitchen lately? 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

32 Week Update

I'm just going to make this a quick one.  I haven't felt like writing this week.  We had some play dates, some crazy diaper rash and Silas got his flu shot.  We even made it to the gym twice.  Woot!  

How far along:  32 weeks.
Size of Baby:   A large jicama, 3 3/4 pounds, and nearly 17 inches.   
Weight Gain:  About 15 pounds.  Ahem.   
Nursery:  Now I'm starting to freak out about this.  I have 8 or 9 weeks tops.   
Movement:  He's still moving a lot.  I'm looking forward to him running out of room, maybe then he'll keep his arms and legs to himself.   
Symptoms:  Nothing new.  The usual aches and pains, having even more trouble getting comfortable for sleep.   
Cravings:   This baby desires lots and lots of protein.  I baked some chicken legs today and there were no leftovers.  I will be doing that again tomorrow. 
What I Miss:  I keep seeing these really yummy looking cocktails for fall.  We used to gather around the fire in the yard with the neighbors and roast marshmallows and sip delicious cocktails.  The fires are still going but sometimes I'm so tired by the end of the day, I won't even go out for a little fire and a marshmallow. 
Looking Forward To:  I'm planning to go to Chicago to see my friend's band next weekend.  I haven't seen his band play in probably 5 years and I haven't seen him since I was pregnant with Silas.  I'm looking forward to a little fun in the city.  OH!  And all the fun Halloween festivities! 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Overnight Oats and 31 Week Update

I can't believe I'm 31 weeks today!  It's cooler here, but I know I'm in the home stretch because I've started crunching ice.  When I was pregnant with Silas I ate so much ice at the end.  It drove my supervisor crazy.  I made at least 2 trays of ice at work everyday and ate them.  A quick google search says this may be a sign of anemia.  I better thaw out some steaks to be on the safe side.  Anything for a steak.  

I wanted to share my overnight oats "recipe" with you guys.  I like to have this made and ready to go so I don't have to worry about breakfast in the morning.  The recipe is basic and very easy, with endless possibilities.  A quick google search will yield so many variations, you could try a new one everyday for a year probably.  I use old fashioned rolled oats, but any oats work, except maybe steel cut oats.  The special thing I've started doing is making these in mason jars.  I take about 6 jars, measure out the oats, maybe add some chia seeds, and then every couple nights add some fresh mix-ins, the milk and shake!  It makes our mornings that much easier. 

Basic Overnight Oats
1/2 cup Oats.
1/2 cup milk of your choice, any will work: almond, soy, rice, cow, goat, emu.  Sometimes I use water if I'm adding yogurt.  We don't drink juice, but I bet you could use it.  Apple juice and cinnamon?  Yummy.

That's the basic formula, stir or shake, cover and refrigerate.

Add Ins
Fruit, frozen or fresh.
Yogurt, we like Greek.
Protein powder, you'd have to experiment with the amount of liquid if you added protein powder.  I've tried chocolate protein with peanut butter.  That is a breakfast with staying power.
Chia seeds, about a tablespoon will do, be sure to add extra liquid, chia seeds can absorb 10 times their weight in water!
Nuts or nut butter.
Sweetener if you want.  I like maple syrup, but someone ate it all (it was me).

Here's some pictures of the two I threw together tonight for tomorrow.

 This is 1/2 cup oats with frozen mixed berries for the Mr. and about 1/2 cup pumpkin puree and a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice for Silas and I. 

 Adding the milk, soy milk for the Mr. and whole milk us.

 All shook up!  Ready to soak in all that goodness.  You can microwave these for a nice hot breakfast or eat them cold.

Let's make the 31 week update quick!  The list is getting redundant.  The baby is now approximately 16 inches long and 3.3 pounds, about the size of a romaine lettuce.  I have put on more weight than I care to mention, I'm still having a boy, the nursery has barely been worked on,  he's kicking the bejesus out of me, I have heart burn and I'm out of my preferred brand of antacid (Walgreens brand, Tums style, tropical fruit flavored; this is very important), craving ice, missing wine, and looking forward to Halloween! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Apple Festival and Forest Preserve

The weekend was a little off for me.  Saturday was a hard day.  It was cold and rainy and I lost my car in a parking lot.  I was walking around and around clicking the car lock to try and hear it, but that wasn't working.  Naturally I was running late too so I was about ready to cry by the time I found it.  Thankfully, I didn't have Silas with me.  A few other things happened but I won't rehash it all.  Sunday was better!  In the afternoon we headed to the Heirloom Apple Festival that I've been looking forward to.  It was at the Leroy Oakes Forest Preserve.  I've never been to this particular forest preserve before.  There is a little farm house on the premises, the Durant House Museum.  It was so cool to walk through the house.  There were people in period clothing giving tours and slicing up heirloom apples.  They had about 10 apples to try and most of them I've never heard of before.  They also have a one room school house on the property.  You can go in and ring the big school bell, write on a slate "chalk board" with a piece of soap stone and try on the dunce cap.  I really love this kind of thing.  I didn't get so many great pictures, I had Silas in the sling and it's hard to take pictures like that but here's a few. 

The table of apples.

This is the table in the "modern kitchen." I loved the stove. 

Inside the school house. 

The dunce cap!!

Monday we went to the gym.  I didn't make it last week so I'm glad to be back at it this week.  Silas loves to go play with all the kids.  He couldn't get in the door to the play room fast enough.  

Today we went to a state park, this one is about 5 minutes from the house and I love it.  It's James Pate Philip State Park.  They have a cool nature center and lovely trails.  I haven't seen much of the trails, one time the creek was flooded over the bridge and today I was letting Silas walk around so we didn't make it far.  I thought we would be there for a couple hours, but he didn't last long.  He walked well for a while, but he keep tripping.  I was trying to teach him how to dust off his hands by brushing them on his pants.  I was demonstrating by brushing my hands on my pants and he walked over and dusted his hands off on my pants.  I cracked up.   

I'm trying to squeeze as much fun things as I can in the last few moments of my time with Silas as an "only" child.  Winter is coming and so is the new baby.  I'm afraid we will be cooped up and exhausted.  I know things will be changing dramatically, so I'm trying to treasure these last moments. 

I'm hoping to share a couple easy make-ahead breakfast ideas this week.  I love when I can get up and not think about frying eggs for the masses. 

How are you enjoying your last few moments before winter? 

Friday, October 3, 2014

30 Week Update!

It's funny how things change.  It's Friday night and I'm home.  Before Silas I would be deep, deep, deep into happy hour by now.  I don't even think you can call it happy hour at this point.  So far tonight I've mopped the floors and washed my hair.  The floors really needed it, I'm not going to comment on my hair.  My husband sold his motorcycle tonight too.  I know he was a little sad to see it go.  More changes.  But I know neither of us would have it any other way.

I skipped week 29.  So we are at 30 now!  I can't believe it.  I was told your second pregnancy flies by and it seems true.  Although looking back to when I first found out, I would be walking around the neighborhood in the evenings, and it hardly felt like spring.  I would walk around and "talk" to the baby in my head and that all feels so long ago.  Now I'm 3/4 of the way through!  I should probably start working more seriously on the nursery.   

How far along:  30 weeks.
Size of Baby:   About the size of a large cabbage, nearly 16 inches and almost 3 pounds!  
Weight Gain:  About 13 pounds. 
Nursery:  I have started cleaning it out.  A couple nights ago I took two bags of beloved items trash out of there.  It's a start. 
Movement:  Still kicking good!  It starting to hurt my ribs. 
Symptoms:  Some aches and pains, my back is starting to hurt now too.  I need to do my prenatal yoga.  And hit the gym!  We haven't been this week.  
Cravings:  Today I wanted Mexican food in the worst way, something like a chimichanga and rice and re-fried beans.  We got Chipotle.  It did the trick. 
What I Miss:  Taking deep breaths, everything is getting all squished up in there, including my lungs.   
Looking Forward To:  Aaron and I have a date out tomorrow night and Sunday there's an heirloom apple festival at a forest preserve near here.  I find heirloom fruits and veggies very interesting.  That sounds a little nerdy.    

I thought this was too funny not to share.  I ordered our Chipotle online and Aaron went to go pick it up.  You can save your order so it's easier to order every time.  We usually get salads and they're named "Charisse" and "Aaron" but I didn't want a salad.  I wanted a giant burrito with everything in it.  So I made that order and instead of naming it "Charisse" because it's not really me wanting to eat a giant burrito with everything in it, it's the tiny tyrant in my belly.  So I named it "Pregnant Wife."  (I don't think there's anyone who thinks I'm funnier than I think I am, except maybe my mom).  I was hoping they would see that and take pity on me or my husband.  I hoped that this could lead to our order being filled quickly or a free burrito or a really big burrito or something.  I got this:  

This made my night.  I should really get out more.  For the record, it was a really big burrito. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My Little Announcement

Since I said I had an announcement, a couple people have asked if we're having twins.  No, no.  That would be a BIG announcement.  I guess that's what I get for leaving people in suspense.  The announcement is that I've opened an Etsy shop!  I'm slowly listing things and as I make more things, I will add them.  Here's the link!  Honey Bee Jewelry Co on Etsy  I'm really excited.  I've got a lot to learn still but I'm glad I took the first step!  All you can do is try.  Here's a few things you would find there. 

 Lapis and Moonstone Bracelet

Green Quartz and Moonstone Bracelet

I think this pendant is so cool!  It's a pumice stone, painted green with a turquoise bead on top and a spiral on the bottom.  I love it.  
I love this one too.  Similar to the green one, it's a painted pumice stone accented with hematite discs.  
This is an unpainted pumice stone with a dangling star.  Sorta celestial.  
I gave all the ladies in my family a pendant like this last Christmas.  This is a turquoise cross with pink tourmaline accents. 

I'm hoping to get out to the flea market soon to pick up some more beads.  It's a pretty good hobby for wintertime too!  

Do you have an Etsy shop?  We could be shop friends if you did.  Do you have a winter hobby?  Or an anytime hobby?  I know some of my friends are crafty! 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

2 Outfits and A Ton of Jibber Jabber

Today was another busy day.  I'm cleaning out my studio, making room for the new baby.  I have a tendency to hoard things or scoop them up and save them in case I need whatever it is.  I had a ton of these tiny seed beads sitting around taking up room.  I was starting to throw them away and felt bad about it.  I know I'm never going to use them but it seems so wasteful to toss them.  So I boxed them all up and posted on a garage sale site that they were available for free.  They were spoken for in 20 minutes.  I met the lady this morning for the drop off.  I think I might have to start selling these kind of things.  Even if it's only $5.  Haha.  We met this lady near a donut shop (coincidence?) so we stopped in for a bagel before our mom's group at the hospital.  I might have bought a bunch of donut holes too.  For the other moms. 

Silas is transitioning from two naps to one.  It's been a little hard on all of us.  So I'm trying a new tactic and today it worked very well.  We were busy all morning and I was trying to get home before he fell asleep in the car.  He fell asleep anyway but he was so tired he barely stirred when I carried him inside.  He looked so darn cute I almost put him in bed with me.  I miss snuggling with him since we moved him to his crib.  He slept for two and a half hours and was a happy camper the rest of the day.  Totally awesome.  We spent a lot of the afternoon outside running around.  The weather was cool, in the 50's.  Perfect for fall.  He walked the whole way around our block.  Our block is bigger and oddly shaped, it takes me about 10 minutes to go around.  It took us about 45.  He loved being able to roam freely though, so it was worth it. 

He's got one of his favorite things here, a big stick! 

On with the outfits!  I wore this dress over the weekend and I absolutely love it.  My friend picked it up for me at a garage sale (thanks Heather!).  It's so comfy and the material is heavy enough that I can see myself using it through the fall.  Put on a scarf, some boots, a jacket and you're set!  
This is Liz Lange from Target.  I'm pretty sure this is the same dress but this one is similar and on clearance for 12 bucks and change. 

 I have no idea where to look when I'm taking a selfie.  I wore this outfit this morning.  The jeans are the same ones I talked about in this post.  When I was pregnant with Silas I didn't like the full panel on my pants, I had a pair of jeans that was elastic in the back and had the tiniest fly I've ever seen in the front.  I think the zipper had 10 teeth.  And it never stayed up.  But I couldn't find the same pair this time and every pair I get that are low rise aren't flattering or are uncomfortable.  These are working great for me.  The top my older sister bought for me from the Goodwill for $4 last pregnancy and I found the skinny belt at JC Penney for a couple bucks.  It was a 2 pack, one black belt, one brown.  There are deals out there for maternity clothes! 

I feel like this post has gone on and on so I'm going to end it here.  I have a little announcement coming by the end of the week, so watch out for that! 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

It's fall!

The first day of fall was yesterday.  And it's starting to feel like it.  When we walk around the neighborhood the trees are just beginning to change colors.  There's one maple in the neighborhood that is still green, but in 2 spots it has bright red leaves.  It's gorgeous.  It's been in the 70's lately which is much easier to tolerate.  I've been able to turn my oven on again and I love that. 

We went to the gym today for the first time this week.  I mentioned before I'm starting over with the program in The New Rules of Lifting for Women.  Right now the workouts are calling for 2 sets of 15 reps and that's pretty good for me.  I'm not sure how I'm going to modify as this first part goes along.  It gradually bumps up to more sets, heavier weights, and fewer reps.  I won't be doing that, so I think I'll just wing it. 

I'm having a hard time coming up with meals and snacks everyday for Silas.  I want to give him a nice variety of good food but sometimes I can't think about it.  I do try to feed him what I'm eating so I don't have to make 2 separate things every time we eat, but you never know what they will like and eat.  He won't eat cheese anymore (who's kid is this?).  I made these chicken and egg muffins and he couldn't get enough, for a couple days.  He will almost always eat sweet potatoes and bread.  (There I am).  I make eggs almost every morning and he usually eats those.  I've started making both of us huge green smoothies everyday with a TON of spinach and he drinks that down happily.  We usually have oatmeal, chia seed pudding and yogurt in rotation.  I still feel like I could be doing better.  So, I've been trying to get us all to eat more vegetables.  We grew butternut squash in our garden this year and that's been tasty and easy to prepare.  And today I made roasted golden beets and carrots for dinner.  Silas ate both.  I cut up the carrots and peeled and cut the beets into half moons, tossed with a little olive oil and salt and roasted them at 425 degrees for 20 minutes, flipped them over and roasted for another 15 minutes.  I love roasted vegetables.  Almost any vegetable is good roasted.  Sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, even cabbage.  Look how beautiful the beets are! 

What kind of foods does your kiddo love?  What won't they eat?  Silas has never been crazy about bananas!  What kid doesn't like bananas? 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

3rd Trimester Update!!

Well today started out really good.  My mom had spent the night with us and she prepped an overnight French toast for breakfast.  When we woke up we popped that in the oven and had breakfast in no time.  It was really good.  It's a Paula Dean recipe, cleaned up.  I'm going to make it again and I'll post the recipe.  After Silas's morning nap we decided to check out the Aurora Farmer's Market.  I've driven by it on my way to the flea market and it looked like a nice, big one.  Unfortunately, Aurora is a bit of a hike and Silas isn't a big fan of car rides and he wasn't too happy to be stuck in the stroller once we arrived.  But he persevered.  We walked around for a little bit.  They have a nice variety at this market.  We got a delicious scone, some empanadas and tamales, and 3 cutie little gourds for Silas.  We decided to stop by a park on the way home.  I'm not super familiar with the area so when we spotted Red Oak Nature Center in Batavia, we pulled right over.  This place was really cute.  They have nice trails and an awesome nature center.  We took a short walk.  Silas walked the whole way, sometimes leading and sometimes doubling back to check out a stick or the signs along the trails.

These overalls kill me.  They're that tiny "train conductor" blue and white stripe. 

I think he thought all the signs along the trail were touch screens.  He kept going back to touch them.  

We made our way back to the nature center and they had a very cool set up inside.  They have some snakes, turtles, frogs and fish on display and a play area with a fake log you can crawl through.  Silas loved it, but we were dangerously close to nap time and a bit too far from home.  So we left and as soon as we got in the door I changed him and laid him down for a nap.  After a short story he was settling down.  My mom left and I got into bed myself.  Within a half an hour he was up and crying.  I tried to wait and see if he might go back to sleep, but he did not.  So we got up, had a snack and I decided it would be a good idea to go to Target.  This is where things went downhill (aside from being woken up early from my nap, haha).  We were out of all our essentials, so it really could not wait any longer and I wanted to see what they might have in kid's Halloween costumes.  We barely made it through the grocery section.  He didn't want to sit in the cart, didn't want me to push the cart, didn't want the keys or anything I tried to give him to play with.  And when we went to the check out, I swear I have never seen that many people in our Target.  While waiting in the line I handed Silas a small container of mints to shake.  He liked that.  We paid, I even remembered to use the stupid Cartwheel app, and we were almost out!  Then Silas dropped the mints and of course they break open and mints go everywhere and my cart gets all hung up on mints.  And I'm sure everyone (at least one person) was staring.  I was embarrassed.  But we finally made it out of the store.  I get Silas in the car seat and start the car.  On a whim I had grabbed some stupid cereal bars and I wanted one right away but, they aren't in my bags!  I almost left with out them, but they were chocolate cereal bars and I needed them.  So we went back into Target and explain myself and I get my bars.  We finally go home.  He was fussy the rest of the day and he had to go to bed early tonight but he fell asleep right away so I'm sure tomorrow will be better.  Le sigh. 

Do we want to do the 28 Week/Officially in the 3rd Trimester Update?  Sure!  Why not?  I'm going to skip some of the more redundant questions since we can all probably imagine that yes, I am still wearing maternity clothes and the baby is still going to be a boy.  Onward!

BIG BELLY!!  Silly face.  I'm probably telling my mom how to work the camera.  And I was trying to get Silas in the shot with me otherwise I would not be squatting down like that!  But you can really see the bump. 

How far along: 27 weeks.

Size of Baby: A coconut!  Two and a quarter pounds, and about 15 inches.  Who picks these comparisons?  Isn't 15 inches a HUGE coconut?  Or am I getting only the small Illinois coconuts?  Where's my ruler? 

Weight Gain:  12 pounds, probably more now.

Nursery:  Still nothing.

Movement:  I've decided this baby's movement persona is like an octopus.  He's hitting hard all over the place.  If I didn't know any better I'd swear there were 2 of them in there.  I don't know how he's positioned to move like that.

Cravings:  Donuts.  I indulged that one a little too much on Tuesday...

What I Miss:  Wine!  Especially after today!

Looking Forward To:  Now that I'm in the 3rd trimester I'll be going to my midwife every 2 weeks for a while.  Then it's every week, then towards the very end, every couple days.  This is going to sound silly, but I love my midwife so much and I always look forward to seeing her.  So I'm looking forward to seeing more of her!  I should probably have a bumper sticker that says "I love my midwife so much it should make her uncomfortable." or "Ask me about my midwife."

So, how do you handle hard days with your littles?   Do you like your doctor/midwife, perhaps a little too much?   

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Today's Events

We had another eventful day.  I wanted to take Silas to do something but I didn't know what.  My friend had told me about this website called Go West Young Mom, http://gowestyoungmom.com/ and it's been such a great resource for me.  Every time I look at it I find something new.  There's a calendar section that is so easy to glance at and decide what you want to do that day.  I love that she lists such a variety of things like free farmer's markets to open gyms and bowling.  The first time I checked it out I discovered the Kline Creek Farm forest preserve.  I don't mind spending a little money to get in somewhere, or a little to eat once we're there, but I'd prefer to save my cash.  So I LOVE this site.  She makes it so easy! 

This morning after our nap I popped on to see what might look fun and I see she has listed the Elgin Farmer's Market.  I'm ashamed I've never been.  I love walking through a farmer's market.  I packed some cheese and an apple and thought maybe we could grab something at the market and have a picnic.  The market is just the right size and they have a lot of variety.  We grabbed a blueberry muffin for a dollar.  The market also happens to be across from the library.  We love the library and we don't go near as often as we should.  The last time we went Silas was only crawling.  So we scrapped the picnic and went into the library.  They have an awesome kids section with all kinds of toys and a wooden jungle gym.  Silas had so much fun.  He climbed up and down the stairs of that thing so many times.  Poor guy did fall off once and hit his face but he bounced back after a little drink of milk.  We played there for about 40 minutes and decided it was time to go home to have some lunch.  Thankfully Silas didn't throw a fit.  I had the great idea to distract him by holding him up to the fish tank while I slipped him into the sling.  Another drink of milk and we were out the door. 

 Does your community have a website like this?  Does your community have an awesome library?  What kind of free things do you like to do with your kids? 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Busy, busy!

We've been busy lately.  We made it back to the gym and our mom's group.  I finally finished the program in The New Rules of Lifting for Women on Monday, so today I started over again at the beginning.  I'm lifting a lot lighter than ever and sticking to walking around the neighborhood with the baby instead of doing the prescribed cardio.  

I have a couple things to share today.  A short weekend recap, one outfit and one recipe. 

This past Saturday I was selling my jewelry at the Louche Puce Market in the area.  This is the 3rd time I've done it and thankfully, it was better than the second time.  The first one was the best, the second one was horrible, no sales and terribly hot, this time was just right.  My partner in crime was unable to make it so my parents came up and spent the day with me.  That was really nice, I don't think I could have pulled it off without them.  It's miserable to spend a whole day alone in a booth, and it's even worse pregnant.  Here's a shot of my tables.

This is an outfit I wore Tuesday to my mom's group.  A certain someone splashed me with yogurt at group.  I tried to be clean and presentable.  It lasted about an hour. 

The leggings are from Target and they're not maternity.  They could be more comfortable, but I'm cheap and haven't found any maternity leggings I want to spend money on.  I'm done trying to buy maternity stuff online.  The dress is Motherhood Maternity.  I couldn't find anything similar on their website.  I bought this at a garage sale.  It's sleeveless and it's got a cute floral detail around the collar.  The cardigan is from Kohl's.  My mommy and sister set me up with a lot of clothes when I was pregnant with Silas.  This one is not maternity, but that's the beautiful thing about cardigans, you can button just one button or leave it open.  I tried this outfit on with taller, leather boots, and that looked really cute too.  I wore these low, flat boots because I was going to my group at the hospital and we like to walk around the lake so I didn't want to be clomping around in heels.  I've started doing the side braid as my go-to hairstyle because I'd been defaulting to the sloppy bun and on me, it looks just that, sloppy.  It's not as cute as I see it on other ladies.  Maybe it's because my hair is so long and fine, but it looks pretty bad.  So I do an easy braid and it looks a little more polished.  

I made a pretty tasty dish in the crock pot this past week too.  I had pinned this recipe and wanted to make it, but of course I modified it.  I sliced a half an onion and put that on the bottom of the crock pot, did the slits in the pork loin as described, filled with apples, and sprinkled with cinnamon.  I skipped the honey becuase I don't need the extra sugar.  It was so good.  

I used a Honey Crisp I bought at a farm stand.  Those are my favorite apple ever.  

This is the little Mr.'s plate.  He had a couple bites of meat, but he's really more of a sweet potato man.  The sweet potatoes I had baked earlier, I like to keep them on hand for any of us.    

I'm not sure what looks grosser, raw pork or cooked pork.  At least in the raw photo the apples are pretty.  I cooked this on low in the crock pot for a very long time.  I think 6 hours would have been sufficient. 

OK.  That's enough for tonight.